Saturday, February 26, 2005

FebRev concert

This is perhaps the most satisfying concert I've ever been into. Why, you ask?

1.) We were in the front row of the crowd. Meaning we TOUCH the stage, we see things clearly without the heads to annoy us. That really made me happy, also with the fact that there are SO many people (the venue was PACKED!).

2.) Urbandub is in the concert. They're the greatest band in here, but sadly, only few people in campus know it. stupid people...

3.)My camera is with me. 'Nuff said.

The first band, Mojofly didn't give much of an energy, but they're an awesome band. Urbandub made me hoarse from screaming and singing. They sang as if they're going to record it in an album. So professional... And they didn't even stand idle for minutes in the stage, they just went there and did their thing. Sad thing is that I didn't capture them jumping from the heavy music they're playing. Whoooooa, they're so awesome. Third and last band is Parokya ni Edgar. I'm not a fan of theirs, since I'm not into low humor and unserious lyrics... I'm more into those bands who take music seriously and pour their emotions into words and music. Oh well. But they made me jump too, so all's fine. Well, all's great except when people started throwing bottles of C2 onto the stage when Parokya ni Edgar was onstage. The water almost went to the lens of my camera, thank goodness it didn't.

Oh well, enough of rants, here're the images. In thumbnails, so just click on them to see it fully.

Front Acts

<--- for the delight of those fangirls...



for some reason, I think if I ever get chubby, I think I'd look like this bassist...

Parokya ni Edgar

the bassist looks like a dancer in a gay bar. hehehe

Saturday, February 19, 2005

my pledge! OHOHO!!

ohohoho! finally the evil night of hell has gone!!! But there's much to come; I haven't worked on my news feature and now I'm anxious just thinking on how to interview sociologists about the divorce bill the senators are deliberating of. I shall not think of it for now, since there's still monday morning and night to CRAM!

...goddamn history 2.

as I am commenting on 61 deviations, answering 18 comments and browsing through 34 journals in DeviantART and eating yummy oreo cereal with nutritious milk... I have to announce...

my pledge!

ooooooh happy four months dear GIBSY! I pledge my undying love to you. Oooh, cuddle, necking, kiss, mwah mwah. I will bathe you until you can't take it anymoooore! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

happy birthday to clarisse as well... darn, I've got no money in my phone, so there, I am a bad friend and didn't greet her at midnight. WAAAAAAHH!!!

if you're reading this, and have reached through here, go do something better than reading how the fan is blowing air into my head literally - and go to my ART site: I've got my first freaking film SLR shot! MUAHHAHAHA

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

the sidewalk of lucifer

last night, I made him cry...

last night I was hurt.

I had my reasons, I did. He didn't hear me, but he just stared at me, my voice carrying on to nowhere. it's not as if I yelled at him, it's not as if I cried...

I said sorry, but he screamed.

the funny thing is, his scream carried on like an echo of a girl being raped. Like an airhead having her nail broken. Like a girl who was poked on the sides. Like a girl who's delivering her baby.

It was dark that time, and we were in front of that rotten men's dorm, which actually contains girls (stupid people). I remember perfectly that you shone so white, and I blending in the dark, so much, literally, since I was in all black attire...

I didn't know. I was stupid.

You cried. Or I thought you did.

Well, how the damn can L300 vans cry? But I was sure the girl beside me screamed like a banshee when I collided with the back of the L300 van. WHo ever invented a high sidewalk which overlooks the stinkiness of portable comfort rooms...?!?

Well anyway... I damaged his red light... and it damaged my not-so-pretty shin. Now my shin sports a funny bruise with a bump. it's like a speed bump. Rightfully so.


1.) the high sidewalk
2.) my scooter with the low motor
3.) my nausea towards the smell
4.) the way the L300 was parked
5.) because freshmen are over-eager for roles
6.) because L300s are white.

I'll pick 'em all.

Miss Psycho signing out.

Friday, February 04, 2005


got this from turp's deviant journal. anyhoo. am bored.


Name: Rose Anne
Birth date: 10-11-1986
Birth place: Sta. Cruz, Laguna
Current Location: Los BaƱos, Laguna
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Hybrid brown/black (HAHA ha)
Righty or Lefty: Right
Zodiac Sign: Tiger
Horoscope: Libra


Your heritage: All that constitutes a filipino.
Shoes you wore today: Rusty Lopez white & gray sneakers
Your weakness: Back
Your fears: Big lizards, especially when dark coloured.
Your perfect pizza: lots of mozarella (spelling?), beef, and tons of bell pepper
Goal you'd like to achieve: Realize what I want in the future as a dev't communicator


Your most overused phrase on YM/MSN: what's your name again?
Your thoughts first waking up: Gad, I want more sleep
Your best physical feature: Shoulders...
Your bedtime: 11 onwards on weekdays, on weekends, it depends
Your most missed memory: Being carefree


Pepsi or Coke: naaada. don't like any.
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's.
Single or group dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Lipton Tea or Nestea: Lipton... *drool*
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: hot chocolate


Smoke: I haven't even TRIED
Cuss: like a monk's prayer, yes.
Take a shower: Everyday
Like(d) high school: perhaps
Want to get married: probably
Believe in yourself: maybe
Get motion sickness: back when I was a kid
Think you're attractive: In my humble opinion, NO
Think you're a health freak: nah.
Get along with your parents: OF COURSE! ^-^
Like thunderstorms: yes, since it makes me sleep
Play an instrument: yep. guitar and piano


Drank alcohol: hmmm... this january? a tiny bit
Gone to the mall: yes
Been on stage: in front of the stage, yes.
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: why should I??
Eaten sushi: No
Been dumped: No...
Gone skating: I wish
Gone skinny dipping: not in two hundred years
Dyed your hair: I wish I could dye it red
Stolen anything: No


Played a game that required removal of clothing: as far as I can remember... no.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Not yet
Been caught "doing something": if it's the malicious thing, then no.
Been called a tease: Yes
Gotten beaten up: no
Shoplifted: God, forgive me
Changed who you were to fit in: Not really


Age you hope to be married: 99+
Numbers of Children: at least one
Describe your dream wedding: all in red... bloody red
How do you want to die: died of natural causes
What do you want to be when you grow up: writer, perhaps
What country would you most like to visit: Germany


Best eye color?: Guy: Light green / Girl: blue
Best hair color?: Guy: black or blond/ Girl: Red
Short or long hair: Guy: long/ girl: Short
Height: o.O not too tall for me, since I'm 5'. -.-;
Best first date location: rock concert... honestly i don't know
Articles of clothing: anything that's black and not loose
Personality: someone who could bring up a nice topic to think of. someone who thinks like me.
Best first kiss location: lipsies

Number of people I could trust with my life: three
Number of CD's I own: I don't keep a track of how many they are now
Number of piercings: two. the standard piercings on my ears
Number of tattoos: noooone
Number of times my name has appeared in the Newspaper: school newspaper - twice I think, when I was the literary editor and the other one, I forgot
Number of scars on my body: small scars I couldn't possibly remember
Number of things in my past that I regret: many things.