Thursday, May 19, 2005

the endless therapeutic journey

do you know that when you're bored, it's hurting your brain cells?


That's just a stupid statement from my crappy mind. Aha...hahah.

Well one time there's a reporting in our speech communication class.... and I was bored. my brain cells are deteriorating from disuse. So I decided to draw them... one by one.


strike one.
kakashi first without the mask. that was the beginning of boredom. heheheh second photo is my classmate. *giggles* my seatmates LOVED it, they said it looked exactly like that guy.
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strike two. This one, I think her name's Glamour. I like this girl, she seems really clever with the way she structured her report.
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strike three. This one, I think is Marie. Heheh she resembles my drawing a lot.
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strike four. that guy which my friend shriek for. and the girl who looks like... Kitchi (spelling?>!?!?!) Nadal! KITCHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHH!!!!
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yeah that's all. blah blah.
oh wait. here's another. when I was waiting for my turn to deliver my speech, I drew my three most favorite character in Naruto. hehehe

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Tuesday, May 17, 2005


the heat is OVERPOWERING that I find myself just focusing on the annoyance towards the heat instead of doing school work. That happened for two nights already, and if that happens again tonight, I'm toast meat. I'm going to deliver my speech tomorrow, oh I should be exxxxciiiiiited. I haven't written a word for my speech, mind you. (if you thought I was sincere back there, you're losing your touch on reality) My topic is so exciting as well, and should make housewives bite my neck. Well, actually my mom already got pissed with me while I related to her the details of my speech. It's.... *frigging drumroll* the therapeutic benefits gained from playing video games. I told my mom that it actually cures epilepsy, and then in a split second the west and the east met in her wrinkly forehead and she ... worked her mouth. Not really news, eh?

Anyway, back to the summer heat thing. It's so GODDAMN hot at night that when I enter my room, it's like entering a steam bath. I just couldn't bear it. Good news to my friends... I finally wore their pink spaghetti strap top present to me last laaast year in my bday. It's THAT HOT!!! If I could just strut around the house wearing my underwears, I could, really! But that would just be silly. They'll excommunicate me. If that isn't worse, I'm taking a shower twice a day already. If I can't bear the heat at night, a shower would do well. But it won't do well to my overworked body. I know. I'll die early. Awwww.. Wait, that's good isn't it?

IF that isn't WORSE.... I've got coughs too. Oh, add colds. Good luck to the next guy who'll use this cubicle in the net cafe... I spread the bacteria all round here by coughing non-stop. My voice's hoarse, we've got a small group discussion later, a speech tomorrow.... I wonder how I could work my throat well that time. Pray for me.

And to add to all my misfortunes... my hanky is so wet already, I've got my period, and I'm screaming at all people who piss me off. My tonsils HURT, man. It hurts.

So the heat, my sickness cause me to be sleepy EVERYDAY. Right after this, I'm going to buy iced coffee and if that doesn't WORK?!?!?!?

...I'll sleep.