Thursday, April 21, 2005


I've the greatest routine in my whole life I could huggle God and be his disciple.

I hope you noticed the sarcasm.

first I wake up early, shower, listen to the radio, eat cereal (for some reason koko krunch's the only cereal at home), scooter to campus, feel sleepy, work as an S.A., go to speech communication class with a friend, eat lunch (this, though, is not so routine... I get to choose whether I eat with my mom or spend money outside with my friends), use the net at 1 pm, download naruto manga, go out at 3 pm, work for a while and then go home.

At home, the routine continues.

I read naruto manga with my sister.
5:30 pm - watch Naruto and Wild Striker (those two channels are pissing me off... showing two of my most favorite anime in the same time)
6:00 pm - read naruto manga, cook rice.
6:30 pm - watch Wild Striker in Animax. In the middle of the show, my parents arrive at home, so i had to open the gate.
7:00 pm - watch TV
7:30/8:00 pm - eat dinner
8:00 to 9:30 pm - read naruto manga
10:30 pm - in this exact time, I write on my journal.
11:00 pm - Turn the radio on. And then sleep.

this happened for four straight days.

I wonder if tomorrow's the same.



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