Saturday, September 25, 2004

toasted like a pig

hey. I'm new. So what? Anyway.

Have you ever felt like you're being toasted to the bones that you imagine yourself in an oven? If you want to experience it, you're very welcome to go here in the Philippines and have the experience of your life. Once the rays of sun hit your skin, it feels... BAD. I've been swimming twice a week, and this Friday, the sun was just out there, mocking us in our swimsuits and casting death threats on our dreams of having fair skin. And today me and my brother have to use the motorcycle to go to college campus, and I wore my sleeveless just for the sake of "proper tanning". Heck. If I wore something with sleeves, damn, I'll be like the human T-shirt. HEHEHEHE

anyhoo. bis bald. laters.

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