1.) We were in the front row of the crowd. Meaning we TOUCH the stage, we see things clearly without the heads to annoy us. That really made me happy, also with the fact that there are SO many people (the venue was PACKED!).
2.) Urbandub is in the concert. They're the greatest band in here, but sadly, only few people in campus know it. stupid people...
3.)My camera is with me. 'Nuff said.
The first band, Mojofly didn't give much of an energy, but they're an awesome band. Urbandub made me hoarse from screaming and singing. They sang as if they're going to record it in an album. So professional... And they didn't even stand idle for minutes in the stage, they just went there and did their thing. Sad thing is that I didn't capture them jumping from the heavy music they're playing. Whoooooa, they're so awesome. Third and last band is Parokya ni Edgar. I'm not a fan of theirs, since I'm not into low humor and unserious lyrics... I'm more into those bands who take music seriously and pour their emotions into words and music. Oh well. But they made me jump too, so all's fine. Well, all's great except when people started throwing bottles of C2 onto the stage when Parokya ni Edgar was onstage. The water almost went to the lens of my camera, thank goodness it didn't.
Oh well, enough of rants, here're the images. In thumbnails, so just click on them to see it fully.
Front Acts
for some reason, I think if I ever get chubby, I think I'd look like this bassist...
Parokya ni Edgar
the bassist looks like a dancer in a gay bar. hehehe
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